(revised 2/6/01)
(revised 2/6/01)
Advanced Laboratory, Physics 407,
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
The aim of this experiment is to observe the thermal noise in a
resistor, to verify that the mean
square noise voltage is proportional to the absolute temperature,
and to obtain an an experimental value for the Boltzmann constant.
J.B. Johnson discovered that any resistor exhibits a small random
alternating e.m.f. (now called Johnson noise) and that the noise is
dependent on the temperature. Nyquist assumed that the noise was
due to the thermal agitation of the electrons in the resistor and,
using thermodynamics, developed the expression1
_ V
= 4kT |
ó õ
Real [Z (f)] df |
| (1) |
- [`V]2 is the mean square noise voltage.
k is
Boltzmann's constant
T is the absolute temperature
Z(f) is the impedance of the device (a resistor) at the
frequency f
- f1 and f2 are the frequency limits
between which the noise is accepted by the measuring device.
If the device is a simple resistor, this becomes
In this experiment, we will not measure [`V]2 directly but
will use an amplifier. The amplifier output V1 is related to the
input V by
where A is the frequency dependent amplification. Hence
_ V
= 4kTR |
ó õ
A2 (f) df. |
| (3) |
The resistor assembly is mounted in a copper tube (for good thermal
conduction) on the end of a thin stainless steel tube (for lows
thermal conduction). Two 500 kW metal film resistors in
series are used and so R=1 MW. The nominal precision of the
resistors is 1%.
Amplifier (Stanford Research Systems Model SR560)
This solid state amplifier has an input impedance of 100 MW
shunted by 25 pF and can be run either DC or AC coupled. There is a
wide range of gain and band-width settings. The noise figure for
the amplifier is < 4 nV/[ÖHz] at 1 kHz. This is to be
compared to the Johnson noise value of 129 nV/[ÖHz] at T =
300° K for a 1 MW resistor.
RMS Voltmeter (Schlumberger Model SI 7061)
The Schlumberger has a true RMS AC voltage function. The voltmeter will
be used on the most sensitive scale (100 mV). This voltmeter also
has a General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) computer interface with
a GBIP connector on the back of the voltmeter.
One of the laboratory computers has a GPIB interface card
which can be used to read the voltmeter. There is a computer
program called ``C:\QB45\THERMAL.EXE'' which is used to
read the meter and perform an average over N readings.
The program first prompts for the desired number of readings from
which to form an average. You would typically use N = 5-10.
The program then asks for the
temperature reading which is then typed in on the command line. Each
time the program is run to perform a sequence of readings at a given
temperature, the result is added to a sequential file called
``RESULT.DAT''. This file can be edited and printed if desired.
Function Generator (Stanford Research Systems Model
Model DS345)
The function generator is used to produce a sinusoidal output of
variable frequency and amplitude for measuring the frequency
response of the combined preamp and voltmeter system. It is used
together with an in-line attenuator of 104 to produce amplifier
inputs that are comparable to the thermal noise voltage level.
Oven (Leybold 200 watt)
The oven is operated from a variable autotransformer (General Radio
``Variac") and is used to heat the resistor up to 150°
Higher temperatures will damage the thermocouple.
An iron-constantan thermocouple junction is mounted next to the
resistor and is used to measure the temperature of the resistor. A
Keithley Model 610C Electrometer is used to measure the
thermocouple voltage. The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
contains thermocouple tables.
The resistor output connection is the two BNC connectors on the
resistor assembly box, corresponding to the two ends of the
resistor. These outputs are connected to the A and B inputs of the
preamplifier which is run in the A-B differential mode to
eliminate common mode noise. The suggested band width settings are
100 to 1000 Hz, and the suggested gain is 100. Use the preamp in
the ``low noise'' setting.
- Connect the resistor assembly to the preamp as described above.
Look at the output of the preamp on the scope. The signal should be
pure white noise with no extraneous 60 Hz pickup. The actual RMS
voltage measurements are made using the Schlumberger 7061.
Calculate the thermal noise expected at the output of the
preamplifier at room temperature. For a simple calculation assume
that the amplifier frequency response is simply
(flow - fhigh) where A is the amplifier gain and flow and
fhigh are the the 6 db low and high roll-off frequencies
respectively. Is the actual measured voltage reasonable?
- Take data above room temperature using the variac controlled oven.
Do not exceed 150° C. The experimental fluctuations in the
measured voltage will give you guidance as to how to space the data
in temperature. Your data will be used to determine the slope and
intercept of the V2 vs. T curve. The intercept at 0° K
will be a measure of the noise contributions from other than
thermal noise. The slope is used to determine the Boltzmann
- On the basis of the high temperature data decide if the result is
improved by taking data well below room temperature. In principle
we can use liquid nitrogen to cool the apparatus, but this is a difficult
- You may later find it necessary to directly measure the frequency
response of the combined preamp-voltmeter system. This is most
conveniently done by inserting the attenuator pad between the
function generator and the input to the preamp. The purpose of the
attenuator is to be able to work at the same approximate voltage
level as the actual noise signal since the voltmeter response may
be somewhat voltage dependent.
- There are several checks you should make. The resistor value should
be measured at the highest and lowest temperatures used during the
experiment to check that the resistor maintains the same value. the
value should be 1 MW to 1%. Also, at some point, the
amplifier noise should be measured directly by shorting the A and B
inputs and reading the output voltage. This noise voltage should be
significantly smaller than the thermal noise voltages you are
measuring from the resistor.
- For analysis, first calculate the band-width integral analytically
or numerically, using exact analytic expressions for 6 db/octave RC
roll-off filters. This procedure will overestimate the bandwidth
integral, since the system input capacitance effectively
cuts off the bandwidth integral at high frequencies. You can cut
off the analytical or numerical integral at some effective high
frequency cut-off or you can actually measure the frequency
response of the whole system with a sine wave function generator by
measuring Vin/Vout as a function of frequency. You can then compute
k using the measured value of the slope of the V2 vs. T curve
together with eqn. (3). Your final value should include a full
error analysis.
1. R.E. Simpson, ``Introductory Electronics for Scientists and
Engineers", 2nd ed., (Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1974), Sec. 8.3.
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On 7 Feb 2001, 23:49.