Tutor List

Please see Undergraduate Tutoring for all tutoring options. The Physics Department maintains this list of available tutors for the convenience of students who feel they require private instruction. We suggest that such students first contact their TA and professor for help, and then if they feel they need additional instruction, utilize this additional resource. This is not an endorsement by the Department.

First NameLast NameEmailAvailable to tutorNot available to tutor
DmitryZverevichany physics/math courses711
SAWATDIWATPOONSAWATAny undergraduate physics course
JessieThwaites103, 104, 201, 202, 207, 208
JimenaGonzalez103, 104, 109, 201, 202, 207, 208
MatthewBeede103, 104, 201, 202, 207, 208
LUCASSTANLEYAny undergraduate and most graduate level courses.
ReneFlores Garcia104, 202, 208
JoyHasanAny undergraduate or graduate level physics course.
StephenMcKayAny undergraduate physics course
MinyoungKimLab courses
VEDANTBASUPhysics 103, Physics 104
Zeyu (Bery)FanAll 100-200 level Math, Physics courses, all Quantum Courses201
YashAlapuriaAllLab courses & chemistry based
DelaneyButterfield103, 104, 201, 202, 207, 208
AliciaMand103, 104, 201, 202, 207, 208, 241
SIMEONIGNACE103,104, 201, 202, 311
JackyYip201, 202
LeslieTaylor103, 104, 201, 202, 207, 208, lesliephysics.weebly.com
UTKUSAGLAMAll 100-200 level courses and all EM, Quantum Courses
JesseOsbornPHYS 103, PHYS 104