
Atomic Physics Seminars

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Events on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

Quantum Spin Ice with Rydberg dressed atoms
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Alexander Glaetzle, University of Innsbruck
Abstract: We will present a discussion of quantum spin ice, which represents a paradigmatic example on how the physics of frustrated magnets is related to gauge theories. The goal is to assemble a system of cold Rydberg atoms and to design interactions that realize a toy model of quantum spin ice on a two-dimensional checkerboard lattice. In particular, we exploit the strong angular dependence of Van-der-Waals interactions between high angular momentum Rydberg states. Together with the possibility of designing step-like potentials using ground state atoms weakly dressed by Rydberg states, we can implement Abelian gauge theories in a series of geometries, which could be demonstrated within state of the art experiments.
Host: Mark Saffman
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A hybrid Rydberg atom-superconductor quantum interface
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Jonathan Pritchard, UW Madison
Abstract: We propose a quantum interface for creating hybrid entanglement between neutral atom and superconducting qubits. The interface is mediated by coupling superconducting qubits to microwaves, and microwaves to Rydberg excited single atoms. Fidelity calculations based on realistic parameters for an atom located close to a CPW microwave resonator, and a progress report on experimental implementation will be presented.
Host: Mark Saffman
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