Events at Physics |
Events on Friday, November 13th, 2015
- Physics Department Colloquium
- SRC Tantalus Historic Site Reception
- Time: 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm
- Place: 5294 Chamberlin (Faculty Lounge)
- Speaker: N/A, N/A
- Abstract: Reception in the J.H. Van Vleck Physics Faculty Lounge with APS representatives, Physics Faculty, and interested parties.
- Host: Huber, Himpsel, Karle
- Physics Department Colloquium
- Dedication of SRC Tantalus as a Historic Site
- Time: 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Dr. Sam Aronson, APS President
- Abstract: - Opening remarks, Physics Department Chair<br>
- APS President, Sam Aronson, introduces the plaque<br>
- Marsha Mailick, Vice Chancellor of Research and Graduate Education<br>
- Dr. Katharine Gebbie, invites both representatives to the signing of the ledger of historic sites - Host: Albrecht Karle
- Physics Department Colloquium
- Scientific advances at Tantalus, world's first dedicated synchrotron radiation facility, and beyond
- Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall (Coffee & Cookies at 3:15pm)
- Speaker: Tai Chiang with intro by David Lynch (Iowa State), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Abstract: Tantalus, a 240 MeV electron storage ring, began operation in 1968 as the world's first dedicated synchrotron radiation user facility. This revolutionary idea of using synchrotron radiation for broad support of science and technology proved a resounding success, and it subsequently led to worldwide development of ever more powerful light sources for R&D. The main areas of research at Tantalus covered atomic and molecular spectroscopy, optical properties of solids, and electron spectroscopy (photoemission). Many of the early experiments were "the first," focusing on source and detector development, technical refinement, and exploration using the newly available tunable VUV and soft x-ray radiation. Major breakthroughs encompassed high-resolution gas phase measurements, band structure determination of solids, core level spectroscopy, surface chemistry, photoelectron diffraction, many-body excitations, etc. In this talk, I will review some key ideas and developments at Tantalus that paved the way for modern research in a variety of novel materials and systems. I will also make a few comments about the successor of Tantalus, the 1 GeV storage ring Aladdin, which began in 1986 and ended operation in 2014, where applications of synchrotron radiation including the IR spectral range covered diverse topics including superconductors, strongly correlated materials, graphenes, ultrasmooth thin films and epitaxial stacks, topological insulators, bio and medical systems, geological samples, historical and artistic artifacts, and extraterrestrial specimens. I will end with a brief perspective on the future of research using light source facilities.
- Host: Himpsel, Huber, Karle