Events at Physics |
Events on Thursday, December 15th, 2016
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar
- The Superconductivity of Topologically Protected Surface States
- Time: 10:00 am
- Place: 5310 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Nicholas Sedlmayr, Michigan State University
- Abstract: When a superconductor and a normal material are brought together there is a proximity effect where the normal material takes on some superconducting properties near the interface. Similarly the topologically protected surface states recently found on the surfaces of special crystals can leak into appropriate adjoining materials. We bring these two effects into proximity and study how superconductivity and topologically protected surface states interact with each other, a situation of interest in the search for Majorana bound states. We look at the scanning tunneling microscopy of a large topological insulator with superconducting islands deposited on the surface, and analyze relevant theoretical models. The density of states of both the topological insulator and the superconductor turn out to exhibit interesting proximity effects.
- Host: Alex Levchenko
- Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Hartmut Zohm, IPP
- Host: Cary Forest
- Cosmology Journal Club
- An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
- Time: 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
- Place: 5242 Chamberlin Hall
- Abstract: Please visit the following link for more details:
Please feel free to bring your lunch!
If you have questions or comments about this journal club, would like to propose a topic or volunteer to introduce a paper, please email Amol Upadhye ( - Host: Amol Upadhye
- NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum
- A feasibility study of detecting 1e18 eV neutrinos with a dedicated Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Time: 4:00 pm
- Place: 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Nepomuk Otte , Georgia Tech
- Abstract: The detection of astrophysical neutrinos with IceCube and solid predictions of the flux of cosmogenic neutrinos have renewed the interest in detecting neutrinos at 10^9 GeV. To date no experiment exists with sufficient sensitivity at these energies and thus the motivation for this study. I take a fresh look at the Earth-skimming technique in which a tau neutrino converts in the Earth's mantle and the decay products of the tau are detected with Cherenkov telescopes that monitor a large volume of atmosphere. In this talk I present a conceptual design study of an array of Cherenkov telescopes that is optimized for 10^9 GeV and has a sensitivity that is competitive with other proposed experiments.
- Host: Justin Vandenbroucke