
Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminars

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Events on Monday, February 22nd, 2021

DIII-D and The Advanced Tokamak Path to Fusion Energy
Time: 12:00 pm
Place: Zoom
Speaker: Richard Buttery, GA
Abstract: The Advanced Tokamak represents a concept for fusion energy in which a magnetically confined plasma sustains itself in a stationary state. It is found that at high pressure, ion orbit affects can drive the necessary current in the plasma, while the fusion process keeps the plasma hot. Such pressures can be reached by shaping the plasma's physical geometry and current distribution to improve underlying stability and turbulent heat fluxes. The benefits of this more efficient approach is that it can reduce the current needed to be carried by the plasma, which greatly improves stability, heat and neutron fluxes. This talk will discuss the scientific principles behind the advanced tokamak approach to a fusion power plant, going on to present what such a device might look like and what research challenges it poses. We will then discuss these challenges and consider how DIII-D can address the critical plasma physics questions with research programs and new capabilities.

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Host: Chris Hegna
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