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the entire overhead sky. The large field-of-view combined with<br>
the long observation time makes Milagro the most sensitive<br>
instrument available for surveys and especially for the study<br>
of large, low surface brightness sources. In this talk I will<br>
present recent results from Milagro including the identification<br>
of several new TeV sources associated with Fermi BSL (bright<br>
source list) objects within the Galactic plane. The success of<br>
Milagro has lead to the proposed High Altitude Water Cherenkov<br>
(HAWC) Observatory. HAWC will be built at a high altitude site<br>
(4100m a.s.l.) in central Mexico. The increased elevation, along<br>
with the re-optimization of the design will lead to a 15x<br>
sensitivity improvement compared to Milagro.