
Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminars

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From SOL turbulence to planetary magnetospheres: computational plasma physics at (almost) all scales using the Gkeyll code
Date: Monday, November 16th
Time: 12:00 pm
Place: ZOOM Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Ammar Hakim , Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Abstract: Gkeyll is a computational plasma physics package that aims to simulate plasmas at (almost) all scales. At present, the code contains solvers for three major equation systems: Vlasov-Maxwell equations, electromagnetic gyrokinetic equations and multi-fluid moment equations. These span the complete range of plasma physics; electromagnetic shocks, turbulence and first-principles sheath physics, requiring full kinetic treatment; turbulence in tokamak core and SOL, requiring EM gyrokinetics; and planetary magnetospheres, requiring fluid treatment with proper accounting of kinetic effects to capture reconnection and current sheet dynamics. In this talk I will present an overview of our recent results in performing the first nonlinear full-f, electromagnetic gyrokinetic continuum simulations of scrape-off-layer turbulence and the key algorithmic innovations made. I will also present results from simulations of Mercury's magnetosphere using our advanced multi-moment multifluid solver. I will conclude with an overview of our program, funded by ARAP-E, to study (amongst other things) equilibrium, stability and transport of the University of Wisconsin WHAM mirror.

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Meeting ID: 991 5610 7574
Passcode: 883688
Host: Paul Terry
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