Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminars |
ARCS generates novel, high fidelity, two-dimensional electric and magnetic field maps from an in situ CubeSwarm in concert with dense ionospheric tomography and ground-based multispectral auroral imaging. The final link in the fundamental global magnetic convection cycle is reflected in, and possibly governed by, these fields and associated aurora. Mesoscale flows, currents, and auroral structures represent significant ionospheric energy inputs at auroral latitudes, creating a variety of geophysically important responses and space weather impacts. These are fundamental processes occurring at magnetized planets and moons with ionospheres.
ARCS is a next-generation mission consisting of the first-ever swarm of NASA science-grade CubeSats coupled with a dense grid of custom, ground-based observatories. The ARCS science objectives are: (1) map the 2D mesoscale structure and temporal evolution of plasma flows and currents in the auroral iononosphere; (2) determine how these 2D maps of plasma flows and currents self-consistently evolve in conjunction with auroral ionospheric density responses; (3) determine the roles of the physical mechanisms regulating the relationships between the flows, currents, auroral forms and precipitation in the auroral ionospheric system.
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