
Events at Physics

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Events During March, 2017

   Thursday, March 2nd
R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; Chamberlin 5310
Spiraling energy dispersion of arc states in Weyl semimetals, Anton Andreev, University of Washington
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Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm; 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and Cookies at 3:30 PM. Talk starts 3:45 PM
"The Internal Structure of Interstellar Filaments in the Southern Milky Way" , Audra Hernandez, UW Madison Astronomy Dept
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   Friday, March 3rd
Physics Department Colloquium; 3:30 pm; 2241 Chamberlin hall
Quantum measurement in superconducting circuits: mapping quantum trajectories from spontaneous emission., Kater Murch, Washington University, St. Louis
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   Monday, March 6th
Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:00 pm - 12:55 pm; 2317 Engineering Hall
Edge Localized Mode Suppression by Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields at DIII-S and ASDEX-Upgrade, Dr. Raffi Nazikian, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA
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Cosmology Journal Club ; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5242 Chamberlin Hall
An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
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   Tuesday, March 7th
Council Meeting
12:00 pm; 2314 Chamberlin hall
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Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:05 pm - 1:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin (refreshments will be served)
Bach's integration of complexity and simplicity, Trevor Stephenson, Harpsicord
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   Wednesday, March 8th
9:45 am - 10:30 am; 4272 Chamberlin Hall
Faculty Candidate Search Committee Meeting , Dasu, UW-Madison
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Department Meeting
12:15 pm; 5310 Chamberlin hall
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   Thursday, March 9th
R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Hyperpolarized Spins in Nanodiamond, Ewa Rej, University of Sydney
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NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 11:00 am - 12:00 pm; Physical Sciences Lab, Stoughton, WI
Neutrinos, DUNE, and Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers, Michelle Stancari, Fermilab
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Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm; 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and Cookies at 3:30 PM. Talk begins 3:45 PM
Physical Conditions in the Cold ISM of Nearby Galaxies and Their Relation to Star Formation, Adam Leroy, Ohio State University
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   Friday, March 10th
 Physics Department Colloquium, ****NOTE SPECIAL START AND END TIMES: 3:00 - 5:00 PM****;
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin hall
Breaking the Bias Habit, Jennifer Sheridan & Prof. Molly Carnes, UW Madison
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   Monday, March 13th
Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:00 pm - 12:55 pm; 2317 Engineering Hall
High Energy Density Plasmas, Dr. Hye-Sook Park, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
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Cosmology Journal Club; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5242 Chamberlin Hall
An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
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   Tuesday, March 14th
Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:05 pm - 1:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin (refreshments will be served)
The complexity of the U.S. tax system and the consequences for reform, John Witte, UW Lafollette Institute
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Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology); 3:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin
Lattice Insights for Composite BSM Models, Ethan Neil, University of Colorado, Boulder
Attachments: madison-0317-web.pdf
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Physics Education Innovation Seminar; 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Physics Education and Active Learning, Ben Spike, UW - Madison Department of Physics
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   Thursday, March 16th
Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:00 am; 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and cookies 3:30 PM Talk at 3:45 PM
Seven Years of Wise, Ned Wright, UCLA
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   Friday, March 17th
Physics Department Colloquium; 3:30 pm; 2241 Chamberlin hall
Theories and Signals of a "Dark" Photon, Spencer Chang, Oregon University
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   Monday, March 20th
R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
Revealing quantum behavior with coupled superconducting devices , Prof. Nadav Katz, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Cosmology Journal Club; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5242 Chamberlin Hall
An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
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   Tuesday, March 21st
Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology); 3:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin
Relaxion from particle production, Gustavo Marques Tavares, Stanford University
Attachments: gmt-relaxion.pdf
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   Thursday, March 23rd
Atomic Physics Seminar; 8:00 am - 6:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin hall
ARL CDQI Review, Mark Saffman, et al.
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   Friday, March 24th
Atomic Physics Seminar; 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Rydberg crystals in a cold lattice gas, Prof. David Petrosyan, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL) Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) Heraklion, Crete, GREECE
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   Monday, March 27th
Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:00 pm - 12:55 pm; 2317 Engineering Hall
Plasma Shocks, Dr. Paul Drake, University of Michigan, USA
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Cosmology Journal Club ; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5242 Chamberlin Hall
An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
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Faculty Candidate Seminar ; 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
How to find dark matter, Dr. Bjoern Penning, University of Bristol
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   Tuesday, March 28th
Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:05 pm - 1:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin (refreshments will be served)
2016 Polling in Nation and State: A scorecard, Charles Franklin, Law and Public Policy and Director of the Marquette University Law School Poll
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Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology); 3:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Cosmology from Non-Linear Weak Lensing, Zoltan Haiman, Columbia Univ
Attachments: Haiman-slides.pdf
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   Thursday, March 30th
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 2:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Micro-X: A Sounding Rocket Dark Matter Search, Antonia Hubbard, Northwestern
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Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm; 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and Cookies 3:30 pm, Talk begins 3:45 pm
Towards understanding the inefficiency of star formation in galaxies, Andrey Kravtsov, The University of Chicago
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   Friday, March 31st
Physics Department Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
The Dark Matter in the Universe, Katherine Freese, University of Michigan
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