Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminars |
Events During April, 2009
- Monday, April 6th
- Prof. Uli Stroth, University of Stuttgart-Germany
- Experiments on Turbulence and Zonal Flows in TJ-K
- 12:05 pm; 3345 Engineering Hall
- Thursday, April 9th
- Passover
- Friday, April 10th
- Good Friday
- Monday, April 20th
- Francesco Volpe, University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Engineering Physics
- Electron Bernstein Waves in Tokamaks, Spherical Tokamaks, Stellarators and RFPs
- 12:05 pm; 3345 Engineering Hall
- Monday, April 27th
- Brian Reville, Max-Planck Intsitut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany
- Particle Acceleration and Magnetic Field Amplification in Collsionless Shocks
- 12:05 pm; 3345 Engineering Hall