Events at Physics |
Events During the Week of September 17th through September 24th, 2023
Monday, September 18th, 2023
- Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar
- "Rising Tides Lift all Boats: Fusion Energy Science, Plasma, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA)...
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
- Place: 1610 Engineering Hall
- Speaker: Dr. Royce James, US Coast Guard
- Abstract:
See full talk title, abstract and biography on attached file - Host: Prof. Steffi Diem
Tuesday, September 19th, 2023
- Network in Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries (N3AS) Seminar
- New black hole mergers from a search pipeline for gravitational waves with higher-order harmonics
- Time: 2:00 pm
- Place: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 3071 4547
- Speaker: Jay Wadekar , IAS, Princeton
- Abstract: Nearly all of the previous gravitational wave (GW) searches in the LIGO-Virgo data include GW waveforms with only the dominant quadrupole mode (l,m)=(2,2), i.e., omitting higher-order harmonics such as (l,m)=(3,3),(4,4) which are predicted by general relativity. I will present detections of new black hole mergers in the LIGO-Virgo O3 data from a novel search pipeline that includes the higher-order harmonics. Some of the new detections are astrophysically interesting as the black holes occupy the upper mass gap and/or are in high-redshift (1<z<2) range. Towards the end, I will change gears and present results from a new GW search for exotic objects with large tidal deformabilities (e.g., boson stars and black holes with axion clouds).
- Host: A. Baha Balantekin
Wednesday, September 20th, 2023
- GREAT IDEAS DEI Reading Group
- GREAT IDEAS Coffee Hour
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Place: Sterling B343
- Abstract: We will be discussing the article, "Investigating introductory astronomy students’ perceived impacts from participation
in course-based undergraduate research experiences" by M. Wooten et al (link). This is a longer article, so we will focus on the sections Abstract, Intro, Figures + Tables in the results section, and the discussion. Everyone is invited to attend and participate in the discussion, including attendees who have not had a chance to read the article.
GREAT IDEAS stands for Group for Reading, Educating, And Talking about Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Advocacy in Science. It is a multimedia reading group dedicated to amplifying the experiences of underrepresented groups in science and academia in order to become better advocates for our peers. GREAT IDEAS is open to everyone (students/ faculty/ staff/ etc), and all are welcome and encouraged to engage with the material and contribute to the discussions. To keep a welcoming and safe environment for everyone, we ask that everyone understand and adhere to our community guidelines for the discussions. - Host: GMaWiP (contact Faizah Siddique with questions)
Thursday, September 21st, 2023
- NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum
- Neutrino interaction measurements at the short baseline neutrino program
- Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- Place: CH5310 /
- Speaker: Prof. Andy Furmanski, University of Minnesota
- Abstract: The discovery of neutrino oscillations has led to the development of large accelerator-based neutrino experiments, often spanning hundreds of miles with multi-kiloton detectors. The desire for precision measurements of neutrino oscillations leads to the need for a precise understanding of how neutrinos interact with nuclei - this lack of understanding is currently one of the largest uncertainties in long-baseline neutrino experiments like T2K and NOvA. The short baseline program at Fermilab provides a wealth of data for understanding neutrino-argon interactions, which will be critical for DUNE. Using the power of liquid argon detectors, coupled with innovative measurement techniques, we are able to measure nuclear structure with neutrinos, and enabling future precision measurements of oscillations including the search for CP violation.
- Host: Adam Lister
- Wisconsin Quantum Institute Colloquium
- Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules
- Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
- Place: Discovery Building, DeLuca Forum
- Speaker: Lincoln Carr, Colorado School of Mines
- Abstract:
Cellular automata are interacting classical bits that display diverse emergent behaviors, from fractals to random-number generators to Turing-complete computation. We discover that quantum cellular automata (QCA) can exhibit complexity in the sense of the complexity science that describes biology, sociology, and economics. QCA exhibit complexity when evolving under 'Goldilocks rules' that we define by balancing activity and stasis. Our Goldilocks rules generate robust dynamical features (entangled breathers), network structure and dynamics consistent with complexity, and persistent entropy fluctuations. Present-day experimental platforms—Rydberg arrays, trapped ions, and superconducting qubits—can implement our Goldilocks protocols, making testable the link between complexity science and quantum computation exposed by our QCA. The inability of classical computers to simulate large quantum systems is a hindrance to understanding the physics of QCA, but quantum computers offer an ideal simulation platform. I will discuss our recent experimental realization of QCA on a digital quantum processor, simulating a one-dimensional Goldilocks QCA rule on chains of up to 23 superconducting qubits. Employing low-overhead calibration and error mitigation techniques, we calculate population dynamics and complex network measures indicating the formation of small-world mutual information networks. Unlike random states, these networks decohere at fixed circuit depth independent of system size, the largest of which corresponds to 1,056 two-qubit gates. This quantum circuit depth result presents a strong contrast to the quantum volume concept used to characterize many current quantum computers in industry. Such computations may open the door to the employment of QCA in applications like the simulation of strongly-correlated matter or beyond-classical computational demonstrations.
This event starts at 3:30pm with refreshments, followed at 3:45pm by a short presentation by Linipun Phuttitarn (PhD student Saffman group) titled "Enhanced Measurement of Neutral Atom Qubits with Machine Learning". The invited presentation starts at 4pm.
- Host: Mark Saffman
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar
- Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules
- Time: 3:30 pm
- Place: Discovery Building, DeLuca Forum
- Speaker: Lincoln Carr, Colorado School of Mines
- Abstract: Cellular automata are interacting classical bits that display diverse emergent behaviors, from fractals to random-number generators to Turing-complete computation. We discover that quantum cellular automata (QCA) can exhibit complexity in the sense of the complexity science that describes biology, sociology, and economics. QCA exhibit complexity when evolving under 'Goldilocks rules' that we define by balancing activity and stasis. Our Goldilocks rules generate robust dynamical features (entangled breathers), network structure and dynamics consistent with complexity, and persistent entropy fluctuations. Present-day experimental platforms—Rydberg arrays, trapped ions, and superconducting qubits—can implement our Goldilocks protocols, making testable the link between complexity science and quantum computation exposed by our QCA. The inability of classical computers to simulate large quantum systems is a hindrance to understanding the physics of QCA, but quantum computers offer an ideal simulation platform. I will discuss our recent experimental realization of QCA on a digital quantum processor, simulating a one-dimensional Goldilocks QCA rule on chains of up to 23 superconducting qubits. Employing low-overhead calibration and error mitigation techniques, we calculate population dynamics and complex network measures indicating the formation of small-world mutual information networks. Unlike random states, these networks decohere at fixed circuit depth independent of system size, the largest of which corresponds to 1,056 two-qubit gates. This quantum circuit depth result presents a strong contrast to the quantum volume concept used to characterize many current quantum computers in industry. Such computations may open the door to the employment of QCA in applications like the simulation of strongly-correlated matter or beyond-classical computational demonstrations.
- Host: Mark Saffman
Friday, September 22nd, 2023
- No events scheduled