
Network in Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries (N3AS) Seminars

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Events During the 2022 Summer Semester

May 2022

   Tuesday, May 10th
Edoardo Vitagliano, UCLA
Light Dark Matter: Collective Effects in the Lab and in Stars
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; virtual - Join Zoom Meeting , hosted by Baha Balantekin
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   Tuesday, May 17th
Isaac Legred, Caltech
Implicit correlations within phenomenological parametric models of the neutron star equation of state
2:00 pm; Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 3071 4547, hosted by A. Baha Balantekin
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June 2022

   Tuesday, June 14th
Peter Denton, Brookhaven National Lab
Connecting the Extremes: A Story of Supermassive Black Holes and Ultralight Dark Matter
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm;
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   Tuesday, June 28th
Shashank Shalgar , Niels Bohr Institute
Collective flavor evolution, collisions, and advection in core-collapse supernovae: The full solution
2:00 pm; Join Zoom Meeting , hosted by Baha Balantekin
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July 2022

   Tuesday, July 12th
Mukul Sholapurkar , UCSD
New signals and backgrounds in direct detection experiments
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; Meeting ID: 912 3071 4547, hosted by Baha Balantekin
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   Tuesday, July 26th
André Walker-Loud, LBL Berkeley
Lattice QCD for nuclear physics (and maybe nuclear astrophysics)
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
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August 2022

   Tuesday, August 16th
Kelsey Lund , NC State University
Effects of Nuclear Uncertainties on r-Process Observables
2:00 pm; Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 3071 4547, hosted by Baha Balantekin
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   Tuesday, August 30th
Ilaria Caiazzo , Caltech
Escapers, merger remnants and double-faced stars: studying exotic white dwarfs with ZTF and Gaia
2:00 pm; Join Zoom Meeting , hosted by Baha Balantekin
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