Willy Haeberli passed away at home in Madison, Wisconsin on Oct. 4, 2021, after a period of gradually declining health. Several of us – former students, post-docs and colleagues of Willy – organized a memorial symposium, held in Madison on June 19-20, 2022, in order to celebrate the legacy not only of Willy’s technical innovations and experiments in spin physics, but also of his teaching, cooking, and art collecting. This symposium followed the memorial service (also in Madison) organized by Willy’s family on June 18.
The symposium organizers (Baha Balantekin, Tom Clegg, Pupa Gilbert, Frank Rathmann, Steve Vigdor) were glad to see many of you in Madison.
You can watch all the talks that were recorded during the symposium by clicking on the “Program” tab, then clicking on each person’s name to view their talk.