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Prof. Victor Brar receives Moore Inventor Fellowship

The University of Wisconsin–Madison physics professor has developed a light source to fill a niche where lasers are too expensive and LEDs inefficient, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has named him to its 2018 class of Moore Inventor Fellows.

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Dr. Lara Faoro and Profs Lev Ioffe, Robert McDermott selected as WARF innovation Award Finalists

Lev Ioffe, Lara Faoro, and Robert McDermott selected as WARF Innovation Award Finalists for an improved qubit circuit to advance quantum computing.

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M.S. in Physics-Quantum Computing

The Department of Physics is adding a new degree program focused on the growing field of quantum computing. The M.S. in Physics-Quantum Computing is a new Master’s program that will admit its first class in the Fall 2019 semester. The program will provide students with a thorough grounding in the new discipline of quantum information and quantum computing.

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Check out Badgerloop POD III in Chamberlin Hall Lobby

Swing by and check out the latest version of the UW student group’s design for the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition! You can open it. The black box in the center is a pressurized container for batteries (unhappy in vacuum) and a bunch of custom control electronics. The motor is in the front, brake actuation in the rear.


Pupa Gilbert wins David A. Shirley Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement at the Advanced Light Source

The David A. Shirley Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement at the Advanced Light Source has been awarded to Professor Pupa Gilbert for her development of Polarization-dependent Imaging Contrast (PIC)-mapping to image the orientation of carbonate nanocrystals in marine biominerals

Prospective undergrads in physics meeting

Interested in being a Physics Major?  Come to an informational meeting!

DOE Funds Quantum Information Science at UW-Madison

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $218 million in funding for 85 research awards nationwide in the important emerging field of Quantum Information Science (QIS). The awards were made in conjunction with the White House Summit on Advancing American Leadership in QIS, highlighting the high priority that the Administration places on advancing this multidisciplinary area of research, which is expected to lay the foundation for the next generation of computing and information processing as well as an array of other innovative technologies.

University of Wisconsin, Madison Physics Department, in collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was awarded one of these awards. This will be a collaboration between subatomic physicists (Balantekin, Palladino), and quantum information physicists (Coppersmith, Saffman) in the Physics Department. The project will explore the ways in which quantum computing and information processing provide insights into dark matter, particularly dark matter detection and neutrino physics. The P.I. of the award, Prof. Baha Balantekin said “This is a transformative project for the UW Physics Department, combining several subdisciplines of physics which represent core competencies of the Physics Department. We expect the effort to substantially grow beyond the initial funding period to strengthen the UW leadership in this frontier area.”

The Soviet Atomic Project: How the Soviet Union Obtained the Atomic Bomb

A new book by Professor Emeritus Lee Pondrom. The book describes the lives of the people who gave Stalin his weapon — scientists, engineers, managers, and prisoners during the early post war years from 1945–1953. Many anecdotes and vicissitudes of life at that time in the Soviet Union accompany considerable technical information regarding the solutions to formidable problems of nuclear weapons development.

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Physics Major, Alex, Mahnke, Presents Wearable Idea at Hyper Innovation Executive Summit

Physics major, Alex Mahnke, presented his idea for a wearable with light sensors that create safer options for students, construction workers, and others traveling or working in low-light situations.
