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Mark Eriksson named Steenbock Professor

This story was originally published by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Mark Eriksson, professor of physics, and Mikhail Feldman, professor of mathematics, have been named recipients of UW–Madison Steenbock Professorships.

“This professorship is among the most prestigious and important professorships for researchers at the UW–Madison,” says Cynthia Czajkowski, interim vice chancellor for research. “This recognition is accompanied by discretionary funds to provide recipients the freedom to explore innovative research directions and to explore new approaches to their research areas.”

In the early 1980s, Evelyn Steenbock initiated a program to endow a series of professorships in the natural sciences in honor of her late husband, Harry Steenbock, emeritus professor of biochemistry.

Harry Steenbock (1886-1967) developed an inexpensive method of enriching foods with Vitamin D. His discovery led to the eradication of rickets, the bone-deforming deficiency disease, throughout most of the world. He is also renowned for his discovery of the conversion of carotenes to vitamin A.

Steenbock assigned his patents for advances in human and animal nutrition to the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), and accumulated royalties from Steenbock’s patents supplied about half the funds for the Steenbock Memorial Library construction on campus. Steenbock Memorial Library is a primary resource library for the students, faculty and research staff at the UW­–Madison.

The Steenbock Professorship provides research funds to recipients annually for 10 years and honors those faculty who have made major contributions to the advancement of knowledge, primarily through their research endeavors at UW­–Madison, but also as a result of their teaching and service activities.

profile photo of Mark Eriksson
Mark Eriksson

Eriksson, awarded the Steenbock Professorship in the Physical Sciences, was recently chair of the Department of Physics. He joined the UW–Madison physics faculty in 1999 and is a world-leading expert in the development of quantum information systems using solid-state quantum dot qubits.

As department chair, Eriksson promoted the Wisconsin Idea by supporting the department’s role in connecting with audiences all around the state of Wisconsin, including restarting The Wonders of Physics Traveling Show.

Eriksson received a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from UW–Madison in 1992, received his PhD from Harvard University and was a postdoctoral member of technical staff at Bell Labs.

His research has focused on quantum computing, semiconductor quantum dots and nanoscience. He leads a team dedicated to developing spin qubits in gate-defined silicon quantum dots with the goal of enabling quantum computers, which manipulate information coherently, to be built using many of the materials and fabrication methods that are the foundation of modern, classical integrated circuits.

Eriksson is widely recognized for engaging collaborative partnerships with industry, government leaders and other university research institutions to tackle some of the greatest challenges in quantum information science and technology. Last year, the Eriksson group announced its partnership with Intel and HRL Laboratories as part of the LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC) national Quantum Information Science Research Center hosted at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park to collaborate on research in advanced computer technologies.

“I intend to use the award to explore new opportunities in silicon-based quantum computing, including new ideas for connecting qubits to each other across large distances, and the use of near-atomic-scale metamaterials to endow semiconductors with properties even better suited to quantum computing than those available today,” Eriksson says.

UW–Madison alum and theoretical physicist named WIPAC director

Dan Hooper, PhD, has been selected as the new director of the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC). Hooper will begin his role at WIPAC on Sept. 9 and as director will report to the Vice Chancellor for Research. Hooper will have a joint faculty appointment with the Department of Physics. Hooper is a Senior […]

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Madison Symmetric Torus operates stable plasma at ten times the Greenwald Limit

If net-positive fusion energy is to ever be achieved, density is key: the more atomic nuclei crashing into each other the more efficient the reaction will be. Nearly 40 years ago, Martin Greenwald identified a density limit above which tokamak plasmas become unstable, and the so-called Greenwald limit has at best been exceeded by a factor of two in the ensuing decades. 

In a new study published July 29 in Physical Review Letters, physicists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison produced a tokamak plasma that is stable at 10 times the Greenwald limit. The findings may have implications for tokamak fusion reactors, though the researchers caution that their plasma is not directly comparable to that in a fusion reactor. 

MST is shown, it is a donut-shaped metal device that is tens of feet in diameter and has hundreds of wires coming in and out of it
The Madison Symmetric Torus (MST). credit: Noah Hurst

“Tokamak devices are considered a leading contender in the race to build a nuclear fusion reactor that generates power in the same way as the sun,” says Noah Hurst, a scientist with the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory (WiPPL) and lead author on the study. “Our discovery of this unusual ability to operate far above the Greenwald limit is important for boosting fusion power production and preventing machine damage.”  

Tokamaks are toroidal devices, basically hollow metal donuts that churn ionized plasma through the tube by applying both a magnetic field and an electrical current. This shape has been shown to be particularly adept at confining the plasma, which is required to reach the high temperature and density needed for fusion. But the design can also lead to instabilities in the plasma: as its density increases, the plasma becomes more turbulent, causing the plasma to give up all its energy to the wall and cool off. 

The device that the WiPPL team used in this new study is the Madison Symmetric Torus, or MST. For many years, MST has operated as one of the leading programs studying the reversed field pinch, a toroidal configuration closely related to the tokamak. MST was designed to anticipate operation as a tokamak, allowing direct comparison of the two toroidal configurations in the same device. Unlike other tokamaks, the metal donut that houses the MST plasmas is thick and highly conducting, allowing for more stable operation..  

In 2018, MST scientists received National Science Foundation funding to build power supplies that are programmable, facilitating easier access to a range of toroidal plasma configurations, from tokamak to reversed field pinch. Hurst was hired in 2019 to study MST plasmas in tokamak mode with the new power supply.  

“My job was to try to find ways to make the plasma go unstable,” Hurst says. “I tried, and I found that, well, in many cases, it doesn’t. It was surprising.”

a graph with time [ms] on the x axis and electron density) aka plasma density on the y axis. Several data lines, given in a rainbow of colors, all go up within the first few ms, hold steady for up to 40ms, and then drop down to 0. A dotted line, representing the Greenwald limit, is shown around 0.75 on the y axis; all but one of the data lines goes well above that dotted line, up to 10x the value of the Greenwald limit
WiPPL scientists were able to experimentally create a stable plasma 10x greater than the Greenwald limit (the dashed horizontal line).
Hurst and colleagues looked into plasma density, trying to destabilize the plasma by puffing in more and more gas. They set the power supply to provide whatever voltage was needed to maintain a steady 50000 amps of current in each plasma (as plasma density increases, it becomes more resistive, and more voltage is needed to keep the current steady). They measured the achieved plasma density with interferometers viewing the plasma along 11 different lines of sight. 

The Greenwald limit is just the ratio of the plasma density to the product of the plasma current and plasma size, a simple metric that allows comparison of different devices and operating conditions. Since the limit was defined, only a handful of devices have operated above it, and by at most a factor of two. 

“Here, we were at a factor of ten,” Hurst says. “Future reactor-scale tokamaks will likely need to operate near or above the Greenwald limit, so if we can better understand what’s causing the density limit and understand the physics of how we got to ten times the limit, then maybe we have a shot at doing something about it.” 

Though the researchers feel confident in their results, they are unexpected. The team is actively exploring explanations.  

“The first thing we would ask is, what’s different about our machine relative to other machines?” Hurst says. “MST is very different because it was designed with a thicker wall than most tokamaks. Also, most tokamaks produce lower-resistance plasmas, so they don’t need these large voltages like we did in order to run.”

profile photo of Noah Hurst
Noah Hurst

Hurst also emphasizes that these results are unlikely to be directly applicable to fusion reactors, such as ITER and others that are being built in the hopes of being the first net-positive energy production tokamaks. But he and the team are cautiously optimistic.

“Our results were obtained in a low magnetic field, low temperature plasma, which is not capable of fusion power production. Still, we were the first ones to be able to do this, and you have to start somewhere,” Hurst says. “We’re going to keep studying these plasmas, and we think that what we learn might help higher-performance fusion devices to operate at the higher densities they need to be successful.”  

This study was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-SC0020245); by the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory, a research facility supported by the U.S. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences under contract DE-SC0018266; and by a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant (PHY 1828159).  

UW-Madison one step closer to harnessing the power of the sun through fusion research

For the first time, a fusion device at the University of Wisconsin in Madison has generated plasma, inching one step closer toward using nuclear fusion as a source of carbon-free energy.

The post UW-Madison one step closer to harnessing the power of the sun through fusion research appeared first on WPR.

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Justin Edwards earns National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

profile photo of Justin Edwards, with text overlay that says "Edwards chosen for prestigious NDSEG fellowship"

Physics PhD and ECE MS student Justin Edwards has been awarded the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship in the category of Physics (including Optics), with a proposal titled “Multispectral imaging in the near infrared for next-generation analog night vision systems”. Justin is advised by ECE Professor and physics affiliate professor Mikhail Kats and collaborates extensively with ECE PhD students Rabeeya Hamid and Demeng Feng, and the group of Dan Congreve at Stanford University.

First plasma marks major milestone in UW–Madison fusion energy research

a cyan blue cloud of light illuminates the majority of the shot

A fusion device at the University of Wisconsin–Madison generated plasma for the first time Monday, opening a door to making the highly anticipated, carbon-free energy source a reality.

Over the past four years, a team of UW–Madison physicists and engineers has been constructing and testing the fusion energy device, known as WHAM (Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror) in UW’s Physical Sciences Lab in Stoughton. It transitioned to operations mode this week, marking a major milestone for the yearslong research project that’s received support from the U.S. Department of Energy.

“The outlook for decarbonizing our energy sector is just much higher with fusion than anything else,” says Cary Forest, a UW–Madison physics professor who has helped lead the development of WHAM. “First plasma is a crucial first step for us in that direction.”

WHAM started in 2020 as a partnership between UW–Madison, MIT and the company Commonwealth Fusion Systems. Now, WHAM will operate as a public-private partnership between UW–Madison and spinoff company Realta Fusion Inc., positioning it as major force for fusion research advances at the university.

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Elliot Claveau, honorary fellow in the Department of Physics and experimental scientist at Realta Fusion, raises his hands in celebration of achieving a plasma from the control room at the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror Project (WHAM) experiment being conducted at the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory in Stoughton, Wisconsin on July 16, 2024. Part of a public-private partnership between UW–Madison and Realta Fusion Inc, the WHAM achieved the milestone of creating plasma as part of fusion energy research. (Photo by Bryce Richter / UW–Madison)


The Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror Project (WHAM) experiment being conducted at the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory in Stoughton, Wisconsin is pictured on July 16, 2024. Part of a public-private partnership between UW–Madison and Realta Fusion Inc, the WHAM achieved the milestone of creating plasma as part of fusion energy research. (Photo by Bryce Richter / UW–Madison)


an animated GIF showing fusion at the particle/atomic level, moving from lithium + neutron = tritium + helium waste. Then, tritium + deuterium = neutron + helium waste + lots of energy
The fusion reaction at the atomic level. | Credit: Sarah Perdue, UW–Madison Physics

DARPA Researchers Highlight Application Areas for Quantum Computing

This post is modified from one originally published by DARPA

Amid efforts to explore quantum computers’ transformative potential, one foundational element remains missing from the discussion about quantum: What are the benchmarks that predict whether tomorrow’s quantum computers will be truly revolutionary? In 2021, DARPA’s Quantum Benchmarking program kicked off with the goal of reinventing the metrics critical to measuring quantum computing progress and applying scientific rigor to often unsubstantiated claims about quantum computing’s future promise.

Six months into the second phase of the program, five teams have highlighted research findings focused on specific applications where quantum computing might make outsized impact over digital supercomputers. Equally important, researchers estimated what size quantum computer is needed to achieve the desired performance and how valuable the computation would be. Pre-prints of these results are available on

Three teams — University of Southern California, HRL Laboratories, and L3Harris — focused on benchmarks and applications while two other teams — Rigetti Computing and Zapata Computing — estimated required quantum computing resources. MIT Lincoln Laboratory, NASA, and Los Alamos National Laboratory provided subject matter expertise, software integration, and test and evaluation capabilities.

The HRL team includes UW–Madison physics professor Matt Otten.

To view the pre-print titles, abstracts, and links to the full text, as well as open-source software code developed by the teams, visit: Publications highlighting potential impact of quantum computing in specific applications.

Read the full DARPA story

New NOvA results add to mystery of neutrinos

The international NOvA collaboration presented new results at the Neutrino 2024 conference in Milan, Italy, on June 17. The collaboration doubled their neutrino data since their previous release four years ago, including adding a new low-energy sample of electron neutrinos. The new results are consistent with previous NOvA results, but with improved precision. The data favor the “normal” ordering of neutrino masses more strongly than before, but ambiguity remains around the neutrino’s oscillation properties.

At UW–Madison, the NOvA collaboration includes physics professor Brian Rebel, postdoc Adam Lister, former postdoc Tom Carroll, and grad student Anna Cooleybeck.

The latest NOvA data provide a very precise measurement of the bigger splitting between the squared neutrino masses and slightly favor the normal mass ordering. That precision on the mass splitting means that, when coupled with data from other experiments performed at nuclear reactors, the data favor the normal ordering at almost 7:1 odds. This suggests that neutrinos adhere to the normal ordering, but physicists have not met the high threshold of certainty required to declare a discovery.

Read the full story, originally published by Fermilab

Mark Saffman part of team awarded in latest round of Research Forward funding

This story was originally published by the OVCR

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) hosts the Research Forward initiative to stimulate and support highly innovative and groundbreaking research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The initiative is supported by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) and will provide funding for 1–2 years, depending on the needs and scope of the project.

Research Forward seeks to support collaborative, multidisciplinary, multi-investigator research projects that are high-risk, high-impact, and transformative. It seeks to fund research projects that have the potential to fundamentally transform a field of study as well as projects that require significant development prior to the submission of applications for external funding. Collaborative research proposals are welcome from within any of the four divisions (Arts & Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences), as are cross-divisional collaborations.

Physics professor Mark Saffman is part of a team awarded funding in Round 4 of the Research Forward competition for their project:

Quanta sensing for next generation quantum computing

Future quantum computers could open new scientific and engineering frontiers, impacting existential challenges like climate change. However, quantum information is delicate; it leaks with time and is prone to significant errors. These errors are exacerbated by imperfect reading and writing of quantum bits (qubits). These challenges fundamentally limit our ability to run quantum programs, and could hold back this powerful technology. Fast and accurate qubit readout, therefore, is essential for unlocking the quantum advantage. Current quantum computers use conventional cameras for reading qubits, which are inherently slow and noisy.

This research project will use quanta (single-photon) sensors for fast and accurate qubit readout. Quanta sensors detect individual photons scattered from qubits, thus enabling sensing qubits at 2-3 orders of magnitude higher speeds (few microseconds from ~10 milliseconds), thereby transforming the capabilities (speed, accuracy) of future quantum computers, and for the first time, paving the way for scalable and practical quantum computing.

Principal investigator: Mohit Gupta, associate professor of computer sciences

Co-PIs: Mark Saffman, professor of physics; Swamit Tannu, assistant professor of computer sciences; Andreas Velten, associate professor of biostatistics and medical informatics, electrical and computer engineering