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The Department is saddened by the passing of Prof. Bob March.

Prof. March, 81 years old, died peacefully at Agrace HospiceCare on August 4, 2015. Prof. March came to Wisconsin in 1960 as a post doc with Profs. Walker and Erwin. In 1962 he joined the faculty as an Assistant Professor, working with Profs. Camerini, Fry, Cline and Reeder on bubble chambers. March pioneered measurements of muon polarization in bubble chambers, which permitted the first direct test of time reversal invariance in weak interactions. His interests later in his career were in particle astrophysics. Prof. March was author of Physics for Poets, which has been translated into 6 foreign languages. Of his more than 240 publications, more than 100 were written for general audiences. He received many distinguished teaching awards during his tenure at Wisconsin.

In 2003 Prof. March wrote a history of the early years of Physics at Wisconsin (1848-1960) which can be found here.

All are welcome to join in a memorial and celebration of Bob’s life in the Varsity Room of Union South (on the UW Campus) on Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 1:30 PM.

John Unguris, Ph.D. 1980, wins APS 2015 Joseph F. Keithley Award for Advances in Measurement Science

For the invention and development of electron spin sources and detectors, and their application to measurement science.

John Unguris received a B.S. in Physics from Carnegie Mellon University in 1973, and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wisconsin in 1980. He initially joined the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate investigating the application of electron spin measurements to various surface sensitive spectroscopies. This work lead to the development of an electron microscopy technique for directly imaging magnetic nanostructures, Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA). He has since used SEMPA to measure the magnetic properties of a wide variety of structures including ultrathin patterned magnetic films, oscillatory exchange coupled magnetic multilayers, and multiferroic heterostructures. He is currently a Project Leader in the Electron Physics Group in the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, where he is leading multiple projects investigating the fundamental physics of magnetic nanostructures. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and has been awarded a Bronze Medal from the Department of Commerce, and is a member of AVS and APS.

As the giant physics machine restarts, the essential role of UW in the LHC continues

UW-Madison has dozens of scientists — including graduate students and postdoctoral fellows — involved in the experiments, analysis, data handling and computation at the Large Hadron Collider. Research has resumed at the 27-mile tunnel on the Swiss-French border after two years spent raising its power.  Pictured is Wesley Smith with a special-purpose data winnowing board built for the new, high-power runs at the Large Hadron Collider.  Photo credit: David Tenenbaum, UW-Madison.

More of the story

Military Kids University offers fun

The Department of Physics participated in making Operation Military Kids University 2015 a success: Wonders of Physics student workers Emily Ehlerding and Jake Nesbit helped with hands-on demonstrations.  Wisconsin 4-H Military Kids programs support the nearly 15,000 Wisconsin youth in military families. To learn more about Wisconsin 4-H Military Kids and the opportunities available to Wisconsin youth, visit

Dr. Kurt Retherford (BS ’94) Exploring Europa

Dr. Kurt Retherford, BS ’94, is the lead scientist for one of nine instruments that NASA recently selected to include on its next mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa. While an undergraduate researcher in the Physics department (Scherb & Roesler labs) he began studying the moons of Jupiter. Now at the Southwest Research Inst., he recently used the Hubble Space Telescope to co-discover evidence for large plumes of water vapor emitted from Europa’s icy surface that may connect to a habitable subsurface ocean.

More About the Europa Mission

UW Physics Students Rock the LHC

As the Large Hadron Colider nears data taking at a record 13 TeV, graduate students have some fun.  Can you identify the two from UW?

see the video

Garage Physics launches high altitude balloon

Garage Physics launch and recover a high altitude ballon. Pictured are Brett Unks and undergraduates Bella Nasirudin and Catherine Tuanqui at the launch site, Governor Nelson Park in Middleton. The balloon was recovered in Edgerton after a couple hour flight. The payload featured a digital temperature logger, an Android phone running Justin Vandenbroucke’s cosmic ray detector app., an external camera, and a GPS unit. Also participating in the development were Asst. Prof. Justin Vandenbroucke, plant pathology graduate student Alex Biligri, and Physics graduate student Shaun Alsum.


Garage Physics homepage

Rock the LHC Video Contest

As physicists eagerly await new data from the Large Hadron Collider, a contest has been opened for videos that communicate the enthusiasm for this enterprise.

More Info

Campus-wide Awards to Physics Undergraduates

Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships

Generous grants from the Hilldale Foundation and the Wisconsin State Legislature provide for awards of $3,000 each to undergraduate students and $500–$1,000 to their faculty/staff advisors to work in collaboration on research projects.

Student (Advisor) Project
Thomas Feigenson
(Jim Lawler) Improved Experimental Co I-II Values and Abundance Determinations From Spectroscopic Data
Noah Johnson
(Mark Ediger) Molecular Orientation in the Vapor-Deposited Glass of p-TTP
Colin Wahl
(Saverio Spagnolie) Microorganism Billiards
Bai Yang Wang
(Mark Eriksson) An Exploratory Study of Charge Noise and Mobility for Improved Performance in Semiconductor Quantum Devices
Yufan Xu
(Cary Forest) Hardening of Materials Using Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII)

Theodore Herfurth & Teddy Kubly Awards

A generous grant from the Herfurth and Kubly families provides for these longstanding awards which honor senior students exemplifying a composite of superior academic achievement, community service and leadership in extra and co-curricular activities, financial self-support, and both prepared and extemporaneous oral expression.

Nicholas Derr

12 Annual Integration Bee

12th Annual University of Wisconsin Integration Bee. First Prize $100.
Written qualifier May 4 6-7pm in 2103 Chamberlin. Top 10 scores go to the finals. Finals (live at the board): May 7 6pm in 2241 Chamberlin. Spectators welcome!
Open to all UW students.

For more information Jim Reardon Sponsored by the UW Physics Department and the Wonders of Physics

More info and practice integrals