Uncategorized People

To add a person below to the website directory of people, edit their “Faculty Type”, which is in the right panel on the edit screen.

Ard, Benjamin N

Position title: Research Intern

Email: bnard@wisc.edu

Avvaru, Sai Aasrith

Position title: Teaching Assistant-standard

Email: savvaru2@wisc.edu

Engineering Hall

Brandes, Tyler

Position title: Research Assistant

Email: tbrandes2@wisc.edu

Chaudhary, Himanshu

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: hchaudhary3@wisc.edu

Cox, Don

Position title: Professor Emeritus

Email: cox@wisp.physics.wisc.edu

Deka, Bhuyashi

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: bdeka@wisc.edu

Computer Sciences

Deshpande, Parth

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: parth.deshpande@wisc.edu

Eagen, Emily

Position title: Research Intern

Email: eeagen@wisc.edu

Gajani, Hussain

Position title: Research Intern

Email: gajani@wisc.edu

Houser, Aubrey

Position title: Research Intern

Email: ahouser2@wisc.edu

2320 Chamberlin Hall

Hwang, Hansub

Position title: Research Assocaite

Email: hhwang63@wisc.edu

Inbar, Shay

Position title: Teaching Specialist

Email: sinbar@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-2449

4340 Chamberlin Hall

Jain, Aman

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: arjain@wisc.edu

4217 White Hall, Helen C

Joslyn, Katie

Position title: Research Intern

Email: kjoslyn2@wisc.edu

Karnati, Sumanth

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: karnati2@wisc.edu

Khan, Shahab Ahmad

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: skhan93@wisc.edu

Uw Med Fndtn Centennial Bldg

Kumm, Bradley

Position title: Lecturer In Physics

Email: bkumm@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-1591

4269 Chamberlin Hall

Kunnumbrath, Sarag

Position title: Research Assistant

Email: kunnumbrath@wisc.edu

Li, Chenglong

Position title: Teaching Assistant-standard

Email: cli773@wisc.edu

Lynch, Scott T

Position title: Instrumentation Techniciannologist

Email: slynch6@wisc.edu

2320 Chamberlin Hall

Ma, Yueying

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: ma383@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 733-9745

Engineering Hall

Meng, Tingyu

Position title: Research Assistant

Email: tmeng24@wisc.edu

Materials Sci And Eng Bldg

Mittal, Apoorva

Position title: Teaching Assistant-standard

Email: amittal42@wisc.edu

Nametz, Emma

Position title: Accountant

Email: emma.nametz@wisc.edu

South Hall

Oswal, Shubh

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: soswal2@wisc.edu

4217 White Hall, Helen C

Pardasani, Muskan

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: mpardasani@wisc.edu

Van Vleck Hall, E B

Parla, Surendra

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: smparla@wisc.edu

Computer Sciences

Phadnis, Atharva

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: asphadnis@wisc.edu

Rogers, Lucas A

Position title: Lecturer

Email: lrogers6@wisc.edu

Rottiger, Trevor G

Position title: Research Assistant

Email: rottiger@wisc.edu

Salas Galindo, Juan Pablo

Position title: Research Intern

Email: galindosalas@wisc.edu

Sharma, Darsh

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: dsharma59@wisc.edu

Computer Sciences

Shetty, Rachna Rajeeva

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: rrshetty3@wisc.edu

Singh, Kapish

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: ksingh83@wisc.edu

Terranova, Benjamin

Position title: Research Intern

Email: bterranova@wisc.edu

Wadadkar, Devarshi Mahesh

Position title: Teaching Assisant

Email: wadadkar@wisc.edu

Van Vleck Hall, E B

Welke, Collin J

Position title: Teaching Assistant

Email: cwelke@wisc.edu

2320 Chamberlin Hall