Natasha Azad

- Major: Neurobiology & Physics
- Career Goals: Long term, I’d like to earn a PhD in high energy physics or related fields. Short term, I’m aiming for strong experiential basis in my education so I can determine my strengths as well as what skills are needed in order to conduct physics research.
- Research Interest: High Energy Theory & Experiment, Cosmology Theory
Valeria Diaz Moreno

- Major: Physics and Data Science (I am currently in astrophysics, but I am planning to switch over to physics)
- Career goals: I hope to continue my education in grad school and obtain a Ph.D. in quantum computing engineering; my goal is to be able to work at companies like IBM Quantum to develop and refine quantum hardware such as processors, qubit fabrication, calibration, error correction, etc.
- Research interest: My research interests in the area of quantum computing are broad and varied. I am highly interested in the development of new quantum algorithms for machine learning, quantum hardware for AI acceleration, and the development of quantum neural networks.
Krishna Alexander Lakkaraju

- Major: Math and Physics
- Career Goals: My goal is to someday work with/at CERN in Switzerland after earning my PhD, specializing in a branch of theoretical physics. I would like to become an expert physics as I value spreading reliable information that inspires others. I hope to someday profess as well.
- Reasearch Interests: I have a strong interest in Quantum Field Theory and developing the Standard Model, but I am, ultimately, interested in all developing areas of mathematical physics.